

Payment Methods

1. Pay on delivery

The products are shipping via MA TAXYDEMA HELLAS. You can pay on delivery provided you live in Greece.
Note: For the orders that are shipping via transport agency, pay on delivery is not possible. The payment must complete with bank deposit or Paypal.

2. Bank deposit

Money transfer or deposit in the following account :

GR1801101040000010400197637 NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE

GR0801720100005010068392598 PIRAEUS BANK

Account holder: Lalis Ioannis

and send us an email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a copy of your bank receipt. As a reason for payment you must put your full name and the order number.

3. Paypal (fee 3,5%)

The payment address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. As a reason for payment you must put the order number. Based on Paypal rules, the shipping can happen only in the address that is display in your account.


Adventure Gear

T. (+30) 210 88 24 402


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M. 698 77 40 428 (WhatsApp)


Working Hours:
Monday - Friday: 10:00-18:00 || Saturday: 10:00-15:00


Eslin 17 Athens, Zip code: 11523


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